How much sleep do I really need?

How much sleep do I really need

We hear it all the time- we need 8 hours of sleep to function. I don’t know about you, but trying to squeeze the proper amount of sleep between the never-ending list of demands from life seems impossible.

Which sleep position is best?

sleep positions

There are several different ways we can fall asleep. Some prefer to sleep on their side, while others are most comfortable on their back, and the list goes on. The sleep position most comfortable to you is a personal choice resulting from the habit you have formed since you were an infant.

The Science of Dreams: What Happens Inside Your Brain?

Find out what to wear to sleep According to Sleep Experts | Science f dreams

Mysteries and fascinations have always surrounded dreams. While asleep, we enter a world of experiences that can be vivid, surreal, and sometimes even terrifying. But what actually happens inside your brain when you dream? Let’s delve into the fascinating science behind dreams.

The Relationship Between Sleep and Mental Health: What You Need to Know

sleep and mental health

In the pursuit of a happy, healthy life, there’s one ally we often overlook: sleep. This silent healer works in the shadow of night, weaving together the fibers of our physical and mental well-being. Yet, in our non-stop world, sacrificing sleep is almost a badge of honor. This needs to change. Sleep and mental health have a complicated, crucial, and—above all—repairable relationship. Let’s unravel this mysterious connection, shall we?

Discover the Night: Life-Changing Sleep Training Services

sleep training services | sleep training plans |

Are you fed up with tossing and turning and wasting time that you could be sleeping? If so, you’re not alone. Here at BPS Medical, we believe that the foundation of a vibrant, healthy life is built on the quality of your sleep. That’s why we’re excited to share the wonders of our comprehensive sleep training service.

A Link Between Sleep and Metabolism

sleep and metabolism

When we think about a good night’s sleep, we often consider factors such as comfort, stress levels, and a consistent bedtime routine. However, did you know that your metabolic state directly influences the quality of your sleep? Yes, it’s true – the intricate dance between sleep and metabolism can profoundly impact your energy, mood, and overall health. So, let’s dive into how metabolic issues might be the silent sleep disruptors you never knew about.

Pokémon Sleep is Turning Bedtime into an Enjoyable Experience

Pokémon Sleep

At BPS Medical, where we constantly explore the intersection of health and technology, we couldn’t be more excited about this adorable leap toward healthier sleep habits. Let’s dive into how Pokémon Sleep revolutionizes our nightly routines with a sprinkle of joy and a good dose of nostalgia.

Sleep Patterns and Their Connection to the Dementia Risk

dementia risk | sleep training services

As we weave the tapestry of our health, sleep often appears as a prominent albeit sometimes overlooked thread. The quality and quantity of our sleep are critical factors influencing the risk of dementia, shaping our daily experiences and cognitive abilities. But what exactly does a closer inspection of this thread reveal about the connection between our slumber and cognitive decline related to dementia?